Sunday, May 24, 2009

Lead babies

Have you heard about a new book called 'No More Lead Babies'? It was written by Dr. Susan Cottingham and Joanna Cerazy, M.Ed.

"This groundbreaking study reveals the continuing danger that lead contamination presents to health—particularly in the earliest stages of life.

Disclosure about the lead content in house paint, gasoline, canned food, and tap water revolutionized the manufacturing of those products a generation ago, but lead-based products are still produced and pose a health hazard as lead remains in the environment years after its initial use. The deleterious effects of lead on early cognitive development are well documented, but the data in this reference regarding in utero lead transfer contains critical new information that shows the effects on infants and families.

Week-by-week brain development in unborn and newborn children is demonstrated, explaining lead’s damage potential at each stage and how that household sources and surroundings—including soil, plumbing, imported canned goods, and house dust—are outlined and simple precautions that can reduce or minimize exposure are discussed. With an awareness that has allowed a generation of injured children to be born, and empowers the reader to break this destructive cycle."

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