Have you heard about a new book called 'No More Lead Babies'? It was written by Dr. Susan Cottingham and Joanna Cerazy, M.Ed.
"This groundbreaking study reveals the continuing danger that lead contamination presents to health—particularly in the earliest stages of life.
Disclosure about the lead content in house paint, gasoline, canned food, and tap water revolutionized the manufacturing of those products a generation ago, but lead-based products are still produced and pose a health hazard as lead remains in the environment years after its initial use. The deleterious effects of lead on early cognitive development are well documented, but the data in this reference regarding in utero lead transfer contains critical new information that shows the effects on infants and families.
Week-by-week brain development in unborn and newborn children is demonstrated, explaining lead’s damage potential at each stage and how that household sources and surroundings—including soil, plumbing, imported canned goods, and house dust—are outlined and simple precautions that can reduce or minimize exposure are discussed. With an awareness that has allowed a generation of injured children to be born, and empowers the reader to break this destructive cycle."
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Diet Soda and Diabetes
Diet Soda Linked to Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome
Houston, Texas
Drinking at least one diet soda a day may increase your risk of of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, said a study published in the January 2009 Diabetes Care. Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors which together increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Study results show that those who drank soda daily, had a 67% greater risk of diabetes and a 36% greated risk of two components of metabolic syndrome - high fasting glucose and high waist circumference.
Researchers concluded, "Diet soda consumption, whether independently or in conjunction with other dietary lifestyle behaviors, may lead to weight gain, impaired glucose control and eventual diabetes.
Houston, Texas
Drinking at least one diet soda a day may increase your risk of of diabetes and metabolic syndrome, said a study published in the January 2009 Diabetes Care. Metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors which together increase the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
Study results show that those who drank soda daily, had a 67% greater risk of diabetes and a 36% greated risk of two components of metabolic syndrome - high fasting glucose and high waist circumference.
Researchers concluded, "Diet soda consumption, whether independently or in conjunction with other dietary lifestyle behaviors, may lead to weight gain, impaired glucose control and eventual diabetes.
Vitajournal, May 2009
I subscribe to Dr. Joseph Mercola's newsletter. It comes by email several times a week and it is packed with valuable information.
You can search the articles for different topics - take a look for artificial sweeteners and see what he has to say about them.
I have his book, "Sweet Deception". Dr. Russell L Blaycock, retired neurosurgeon and bestselling author of 'Excitotoxins:The Taste That Kills', says of 'Sweet Deception' "One of the most comprehensive and readable discussions of the dangers of manufactured artificial sweeteners in print."
You can subscribe to his free newsletter by clicking on HERE.
You can search the articles for different topics - take a look for artificial sweeteners and see what he has to say about them.
I have his book, "Sweet Deception". Dr. Russell L Blaycock, retired neurosurgeon and bestselling author of 'Excitotoxins:The Taste That Kills', says of 'Sweet Deception' "One of the most comprehensive and readable discussions of the dangers of manufactured artificial sweeteners in print."
You can subscribe to his free newsletter by clicking on HERE.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Kids Bath Products Laced With Toxins
May 13, 2009
Today, the desire of people to ‘look good and smell good’, is unprecedented. The cosmetics/personal care industry is big business, with countless millions of dollars being poured into seductive advertising, eye pleasing packaging, irresistible scents, silky, sophisticated lotions.
The marketing is phenomenal and deliberate for body products.
The problem is, that these body products are laced with chemicals that are toxin. The buildup in our systems in suspected in many illnesses.
A bigger problem, is that our children are exposed to these toxins by their contact with us, and inhaling the fumes from fragrances.
And worse yet, even BABY products contain them.
Children are at a greater risk of illness from toxic chemicals than adults - the skin of an infant is soft and permeable, and has less protective barriers than adult skin against chemicals. Indeed, a recent National Academy of Sciences study suggests that environmental factors contribute to at least 28 per cent of childhood developmental disabilities.
The dangers of toxins in children's products are in thousands of everyday products used by new parents who are trying to give their children the best start in life. But taking the time to do a little research on the toxins in children’s products can make a massive difference in your family’s well being.
Here is an article from the Times-Colonist Newspaper
Today, the desire of people to ‘look good and smell good’, is unprecedented. The cosmetics/personal care industry is big business, with countless millions of dollars being poured into seductive advertising, eye pleasing packaging, irresistible scents, silky, sophisticated lotions.
The marketing is phenomenal and deliberate for body products.
The problem is, that these body products are laced with chemicals that are toxin. The buildup in our systems in suspected in many illnesses.
A bigger problem, is that our children are exposed to these toxins by their contact with us, and inhaling the fumes from fragrances.
And worse yet, even BABY products contain them.
Children are at a greater risk of illness from toxic chemicals than adults - the skin of an infant is soft and permeable, and has less protective barriers than adult skin against chemicals. Indeed, a recent National Academy of Sciences study suggests that environmental factors contribute to at least 28 per cent of childhood developmental disabilities.
The dangers of toxins in children's products are in thousands of everyday products used by new parents who are trying to give their children the best start in life. But taking the time to do a little research on the toxins in children’s products can make a massive difference in your family’s well being.
Here is an article from the Times-Colonist Newspaper
Study: Kids Bath Products Laced With Toxins
"Many popular children's products on the market contain the cancer-causing chemicals formaldehyde or 1,4-dioxane, a study has found.
The Campaign for Safe Cosmetics, based in Washington, D.C., tested the best-known brands available in North America containing ingredients with a high-risk of contamination. The results, released yesterday, show that 17 of 28 - or 61 per cent - contained both toxins, including some products pitched to parents as gentle and natural.
They include Johnson's Baby Shampoo, L'Oreal Kids Extra Gentle 2-in-1 Fast Dry Shampoo, Huggies naturally Refreshing Cucumber & Green Tea Baby Wash, Gerber's Grins & Giggles Milk & Honey Baby Wash, bubble bath products branded with popular children's characters also tested positive for both chemicals, including Barbie, Dora the Explorer, Sesame Street, Hot Wheels and Tinker Bell.
Twenty-three of 28 products contained formaldehyde at levels ranging from 54 to 610 parts per million.
The levels of dioxane, found in found in 32 out of 48 products, ranged from 0.27 to 33 ppm."
March 13, 2009
March 13, 2009
To me, this is unconscionable. Parents have no idea that they are using body products on their babies that contain toxins. I venture to say that, through my research, there are various other harmful chemicals in baby and children's products as well as those focused on in the article above.
If you are buying 'organic' products, be careful as to whether they really ARE organic. Unfortunately, there are loopholes in the rules about labelling. If a product has even one organic ingredient in it, manufacturers are allowed to advertise as organic - wrong for sure, but that is what happens in some cases.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Toxins in Children's Clothing
Toxins in Children's Products Need to Be Taken Seriously
“Children are not little adults. Their small, developing bodies receive greater exposures by weight than adults to contaminants in air, water, food, and everyday products. In addition, their immature metabolism and organ systems are typically less capable of fending off chemical assaults. And subtle damage to developing bodies that does not trigger immediate health effects may lead to disease later in life.”
~Environmental Working Group’s Skin Deep Cosmetic Safety Database
Children are at a greater risk of illness from toxic chemicals than adults - the skin of an infant is soft and permeable, and has less protective barriers than adult skin against chemicals. Indeed, a recent National Academy of Sciences study suggests that environmental factors contribute to at least 28 per cent of childhood developmental disabilities.
The dangers of toxins in children's products are in thousands of everyday products used by new parents who are trying to give their children the best start in life. But taking the time to do a little research on the toxins in children’s products can make a massive difference in your family’s wellbeing.
Toxins in Children’s Clothing
Flame retardants, commonly PBDEs, are found in children’s clothing, particularly pyjamas, their crib mattresses, sheets and beds.
Manufacturers began adding the chemicals in an attempt to protect children from the threat of fire. But a swag of research has shown that PBDEs are likely to do more harm than good to growing bodies. These chemicals are particularly well absorbed into the body and transported through fatty compounds _ and as children’s diets are higher in fats necessary to promote brain growth, the chemicals are more easily absorbed.
Environment California has tested a range of products designed for infants and children, and has published its results for concerned parents.
Whenever possible, buy pure, organic clothing and other products for your children.
We will bring you more information about toxins in kids toys, bedding and personal products in future blog entries.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Household Cleaning Products - What Are They Doing To Us?
Here's what Nancy Green ,author of 'Poisoning Our Children' has to say:
"Household cleaning products are among the most toxic substances we encounter daily. In one study conducted over a 15 year period, women who stayed home all day had a 54 percent higher death rate from cancer that women who had jobs away from the home."
Wow. So just think of what they are doing to our children's little undeveloped bodies.
Here's another quote, this time by the Cancer Prevention Coalition:
"Approximately 70,000 chemicals are now in commercial production, many of which are used in household products. Many of these chemicals accumulate in the human body and cause cancer and other diseases, yet they have been inadequately tested or remain completely untested for their safety. About 600 of these chemicals are KNOWN to cause cancer."

The everyday products you use in your home, unless completely natural or organic, contain chemicals that are absorbing into your child's body, either by skin contact or through breathing the fumes.
So when you dust with furniture spray, glass cleaner, or you polish the floor or the table or clean the toilet, clean the oven, wash the windows, scrub the bathtub, you are subjecting your child to these chemicals each and every time.
We recommend using a totally ORGANIC cleaner. Some SAY they are organic, but how the heck are you supposed to know if it really is organic. Did you know that because of loopholes in the law, companies can use one organic component in a product and advertise it as organic, even though all the other ingredients are synthetic chemicals/
Please. Please. Go and get the rest of the story here.
Please read and research and help us to spread awareness about the toxins in household cleaning products and how they affect us and our children.
Please check back with us often.
"Household cleaning products are among the most toxic substances we encounter daily. In one study conducted over a 15 year period, women who stayed home all day had a 54 percent higher death rate from cancer that women who had jobs away from the home."
Wow. So just think of what they are doing to our children's little undeveloped bodies.
Here's another quote, this time by the Cancer Prevention Coalition:
"Approximately 70,000 chemicals are now in commercial production, many of which are used in household products. Many of these chemicals accumulate in the human body and cause cancer and other diseases, yet they have been inadequately tested or remain completely untested for their safety. About 600 of these chemicals are KNOWN to cause cancer."

The everyday products you use in your home, unless completely natural or organic, contain chemicals that are absorbing into your child's body, either by skin contact or through breathing the fumes.
So when you dust with furniture spray, glass cleaner, or you polish the floor or the table or clean the toilet, clean the oven, wash the windows, scrub the bathtub, you are subjecting your child to these chemicals each and every time.
We recommend using a totally ORGANIC cleaner. Some SAY they are organic, but how the heck are you supposed to know if it really is organic. Did you know that because of loopholes in the law, companies can use one organic component in a product and advertise it as organic, even though all the other ingredients are synthetic chemicals/
Please. Please. Go and get the rest of the story here.
Please read and research and help us to spread awareness about the toxins in household cleaning products and how they affect us and our children.
Please check back with us often.
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